Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's been a while

Just a quick post. We are moved and it has been a crazy three weeks! (which explains the lack of posting)

Hopefully y'all enjoyed your holidays and have an amazing year in 2009. :)

I also have some good food saved up to post about. But for today...

Ok, I never tried Eggplant Parmesan. I guess it was because I kept reading how people think Vegan/Vegetarians eat the dish in place of something super fancy or gourmet. So finally I made some. Oh....My......Gosh. I love this so much that I could eat it every day. Yum!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I hope the move was as painless as possible, and that you are all settled in and happy >:o)
I'm so glad that you have moved into your own place at last! You deserve some serious happiness. Hopefully the tooth will feel better soon.
Happy New Year to you and the family! xxxx

Tara said...

Yay! I'm so glad to see you back. Great to hear that everything is going ok with the move and new place! I hope the job goes well, and it is fantastic that you have something that you can unwind Rock Band 2! The eggplant parmesan looks delicious! I hope that you can get your wisdom tooth taken care of soon, they hurt!
Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

YAY for going vegan!!! Your eggplant parm looks so yum!

Definitely, check out It is one of the most awesome websites. BuyKind is 100% vegan and you can order online home delivery from some of the best award-winning vegan restaurants across the country - delivered to the door!!! BuyKind is amazing and the best food I've ever had! It is sooo much fun and sooo delicious and it is all about helping animals. Profit from buykind goes to help farm animals.

If you order, tell them it is your first time and they will normally give you a gift certificate.

Vegans, those who choose kindness for all always, are my heroes!!

Reni said...

The above seems like an ad for the website more than a comment, but since the commenter seems so excited, maybe they just really like the website.

Anyways, just wanted to comment in case anyone thought I was selling adspace, haha! :)