Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lack of posting

Just a quick post to apologize for the lack of posts. The past two weeks have been very busy with job and moving preparations. I've been on another temp job that is ending soon. Also, we should be moving the weekend of the 12th, so hopefully regular posting will resume after then.

I tend to get very reclusive when stressed, so that will add to the lack of posting. In the meantime I've just been eating quick and tried recipes like veggie puree soup and grilled portabello mushroom sandwiches.

I love reading everyone's blogs, so even though I won't be posting as much...I'll still be reading! :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move, and I hope life becomes a lot less stressful for you soon.

Tara said...

I hope your stress level goes down soon and that everything goes well with moving!