Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dinner out and about

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I have good reason to be slacking off.   :)   My sister and her best friend are visiting!  My sister rocks as does her friend, and we have been having a fantastic weekend.  My sister isn't Vegan at the moment, as it is very hard for her to find time to cook with a full load of classes and a full time job.  Also, she lives in a very non-vegan friendly town and has problems finding some foods.  Her best friend is Vegan and is quite informative on food topics.  It's awesome to be around people that eat like I do!  My sister is hoping to work in Toronto next summer and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will be able to.

I think for awhile I'm going to blog about recipes that will appeal to people like my sister with little time to cook and limited ingredients.  Hopefully she can use some of them.  :)

So anyhow, it's the first time they've been to Canada.  Among other things, we've been in downtown Toronto a LOT this weekend.  While there we ate at Ginger, which I believe has a few locations in downtown.  They have a few Vegan dishes and were very eager to accommodate.  Sorry no pictures, but the food was awesome!  I had the Tofu over noodles.  Yum!  

Oh, and today I had my first taste of Indian Cuisine.  I have to admit I was skeptical and overwhelmed by the dishes.   It's soo fantastic!  I went to a local restaurant with my sister and her friend that had a completely vegetarian buffet.  They served us some piping hot naan (amazing!) with the buffet.  When we asked if the sweets contained milk/eggs, we were told they didn't.  However, I don't think the staff understood because one of the sweets was labeled 'Milk Cake'.  So I probably didn't eat Vegan today.  I can't wait to try to recreate some of these dishes, so that I can have them more often and be sure they are Vegan.    :)

So, no recipes today as I really want to catch up with all the new posts on my favorite Vegan blogs.  Probably won't post tomorrow being Canadian Thanksgiving and all, or it will be a quick post.  To all my fellow Canadians, hope your holiday is enjoyable!

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